COVID 19 Resources

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Resources

These resources are collected to support Michigan community colleges and will be updated on a regular basis. Based on the constantly changing nature of these resources, most of the information will be links to official documents or resources.

State Resources

State Orders and Directives
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
Contract Tracing Recommendations
Unemployment Insurance Agency - Resources for Employers
Update MIOSHA Emergency Rules - Webinar Slides (5/25/2021)

Students with Face MasksFederal Government / National Resources

CDC: Considerations for Institutions of Higher Education
United States Department of Veterans Affairs / G.I. Bill
Higher Learning Commission Coronavirus Updates
US ED Coronavirus site


Reopening Strategies

MCCA Reopening Strategies Resources

Michigan College Announcements

Other Michigan colleges and universities:  Michigan Association of State Universities and Michigan Independent Colleges & Universities

Additional MCCA COVID-19 Resources

Michigan Colleges Online (MCO) COVID-19 Resources
Michigan Building Economic Stability Today (MI-BEST) resources related to COVID-19
Strategies for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19