MCSS Funders Graduates Running

About the Center for Student Success

The Michigan Center for Student Success provides state-level support to Michigan's community colleges by serving as a hub connecting leadership, administrators, faculty, and staff in their emerging and ongoing efforts to improve equitable student outcomes, emphasizing linkages between practice, research and policy.


View the 2023 Center Year in Review to celebrate our collective accomplishments in 2023. We are looking forward to continuing our support of Michigan’s 31 public and tribal community colleges in 2024.


Michigan Center for Student Success Framework

The MCCA Center for Student Success has more than a decade of experience leading collaborative student success work with Michigan’s community colleges. Our theory of change suggests that implementation of student success practices is most effective when colleges are exposed to subject matter experts, aligned with policy and advocacy efforts, supported by individual coaches, inclusive of broad stakeholder engagement within and outside of their institutions, provided the opportunity to engage with peers from across the state, and exposed to spotlights of colleges that have successfully implemented selected practices.

Four enabling conditions are key foundational components of successful implementation of student practices. The MCCA strives to support a coherent student success strategy inclusive of initiatives in our organization and across state and national partners. We invest in leadership across all levels of the institution including presidents and trustees, executive leadership, and mid-level leaders. It is essential that colleges have identified a clear strategy aligned with measurable goals and targets and a willingness to leverage data, evidence, and research to demonstrate the effectiveness of their collective efforts.

Student Success Center Framework including a range of strategies and resources


Major Funders and Partners

The work of the Michigan Center for Student Success is made possible by the generous support of several funders and critical assistance from nationally renowned partners to support our initiatives and events.