Academic Catch-Up Programs

Academic Catch-Up Program--Now Extended Through October 31, 2024

The FY2023 Michigan budget allocated $10 million for the Academic Catch-Up Program (Sec. 216(a)).  The program, administered by the Michigan Community College Association, supports community colleges’ efforts to combat learning loss among recent high school graduates who experienced interruptions to in-person learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a list of programs for Summer 2024. Please visit the Academic Catch-Up Report page to read about what we are learning from these programs.


Program Requirements (Sec. 216(3))

Public Act 144 of 2022 outlines the requirements of the Academic Catch-Up Program.  Community colleges must do all of the following to be considered eligible for the program:

  1. Submit an application.
  2. Offer a summer educational program that is focused on English and mathematics to any incoming college student enrolled in a public in-state community college or university that is free of charge to the student. (Programs will be offered in Winter/Spring, Summer and/or Fall 2024)
  3. Enroll students who complete the summer educational program in college-level English or mathematics or co-requisite courses in English or mathematics.
  4. Provide transportation support and classroom supplies to students enrolled in the program. Classroom supplies must include access to a laptop, wireless internet access, and technical support during the program.
  5. Provide both in-person and online instruction options.
  6. Provide individualized support for career exploration, admission, and financial aid.
  7. Provide support for student basic needs, including, but not limited to, food assistance, during the program.


Quarterly Reports

Colleges are required to submit quarterly reports to MCCA. Links to the report forms will be sent to the individual who submitted the college's application in advance of each due date. Reports will include brief narrative questions, numbers and types of instructional sessions offered, and enrollment and demographic information for participating students. To view each report as a PDF, please click on the highlighted links below:

Report #5 (due April 5, 2024)

Report #6 (due July 5, 2024)

Report #7 (due October 4, 2024)

Report #8 (due December 4, 2024)

2024 Budget Template (due April 5, 2024)




Support for Participating Institutions

Office Hours for Academic Catch-Up (link is the same for all sessions) will be held on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00. Please click on the highlighted date to join a session:

February 13 (with representatives from Beyond Basics)

Resources: Beyond Basics PPT, Summer Bridge Info Sheet

March 19

April 23 (Overview of 2023 Evaluation Report)

         Resources: PPT, Recording

May 14

June 18

August 27


Archived Virtual Workshops:

  • Workshop #1:  Program Overview and Application (Tuesday, January 17, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 PM)  RECORDING RESOURCES
  • Workshop #2:  Delivering Developmental Instruction in Academic Catch-Up Programs (Tuesday, February 7, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 PM) RECORDING RESOURCES
  • Workshop #3:  Integrating "College Knowledge" and Classroom Support in Academic Catch-Up Programs (Tuesday, February 21, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 PM) RECORDING RESOURCES
  • Workshop #4:  Supporting Student Basic Needs in Academic Catch-Up Programs (Tuesday, March 7, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 PM) RECORDING RESOURCES
  • Workshop #5:  Recruiting Participants and Providing Ongoing Support for Academic Catch-Up Completers (Tuesday, March 21, 2023 from 4:00-5:00 PM) RECORDING RESOURCES
  • Workshop #6:  Reporting Requirements for Academic Catch-Up Programs (Tuesday, April 4 from 4:00-5:00 PM) RECORDING RESOURCES

Subscribe to receive updates on the Academic Catch-up Program.  


Academic Catch-Up Program Features

MCCA observed several common themes across successful programs. The website clearly shares the program features, time commitment, and benefits to the student. The program is FREE to any participating student. The program provides assistance with registration, program and course selection, and securing financial aid and includes financial support to offset the cost of attending, either through vouchers or a stipend. The program includes “College Knowledge” instruction including campus orientation and tours and information about college services, academic expectations, and co-curricular and social opportunities. The program offers opportunities to self-assess career interests and explore options to identify a career pathway or major. Instruction is accelerated in reading, writing and/or mathematics with some degree of contextualized or active learning and academic support including tutoring, mentoring, and access to learning labs or instructional software. Programs leverage opportunities to build social capital and a sense of belonging and connection to the college prior to the initial term of enrollment.


Additional Information

For additional information, contact Jenny Schanker at This site will continue to be updated as colleges submit additional questions, program examples, or other resources.