2024 Student Success Summit Sponsors
We hope you enjoyed the 2024 Student Success Summit. Please scroll down to see descriptions, slides, handouts and other materials from the sessions (please be patient as we load these over the next few days) or click below to see photos from the event.
During this session, Dr. Keith Curry will highlight the LEVEL UP (Leveraging Explicit Value for Every Black Learner, Unapologetically) initiative and movement advocating for policies that address the staggering loss of Black learners from higher education over the last 20 years. Focused on driving action and results, Dr. Curry will share his unapologetic thoughts on how we can support Black Learner Excellence in higher education.
Dr. Keith Curry, President/CEO, Compton College and Compton Community College District (CCCD) | More Info
During this panel discussion, DEIB leaders from Michigan community colleges will delve into expanding equitable opportunities for Black learners, reflecting on President Curry's remarks and responding to the strategic insights from the LevelUp Playbook.
Michael Gavin, President | Delta College | LinkedIn
Jamillya Hardley, Director of the Woodrick Center for Inclusion and Multicultural Affairs | Grand Rapids Community College | LinkedIn
Kristina Marshall, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Kenneth James, Chief Diversity Officer | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
Marcus Bennett, Special Assistant to the President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging | Associate Dean of Campus Life | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
During this breakout session, participants will focus not only on increasing need-based aid, but also on making more visible the bottom-line cost students will pay, based on a realistic assessment of what students can reasonably afford.
Kemmoree Duncombe | Kirtland Community College | LinkedIn
Katie Witkowski, Director of Government and External Affairs | Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
Brenae Smith, Associate Director at HCM Strategies | HCM Strategies | LinkedIn
During this breakout session, participants will discuss strategies towards creating mechanisms to support Black learners and ensured success at the federal, state, system, and institutional level.
Dr. Chris Mathias, Senior Affiliate at HCM Strategies | HCM Strategies | LinkedIn
Trice Batson | Director of Diversity and Inclusion | Kalamazoo Valley Community College | LinkedIn
Evan Pauken | Director of the Center for Student Success | Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
During this breakout session, participants will engage in discussions around insitutions and systems proactively considering the disproportionate challenges facing Black learners inside and outside the classroom by developing supports and connecting them to community resources. This will afford opportunities to provide robust advising, support to access pathways to high-wage and high-demand jobs, and assistance to address critical issues in an environment that fosters respect and a sense of belonging.
Eric Reed | Dean of Student Access, Success, Equity and Inclusion | Washtenaw Community College | LinkedIn
Amy Reddinger | Vice President of Academic Affairs and Educational Equity | Bay College | LinkedIn
During this breakout session, participants will discuss teaching practices that should center students’ lived experiences, perspectives, strengths, and needs as grounding for learning.
Kim Hurns | Vice Chancellor for Student Services | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Jenny Schanker | Senior Director of Learning and Research | Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
Advising & Student Supports:
Sheryl Hammock | Dean of Occupational Education | Bay Mills Community College | LinkedIn
Jamillya Hardley | Director of the Woodrick Center of Inclusion and Multicultural Affairs | Grand Rapids Community College | LinkedIn
Scott Behrens | Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success | Monroe County Community College | LinkedIn
Katie Malone | Assistant Director of Financial Aid | Kirtland Community College | LinkedIn
Lindsey Dickinson | Director of Advising | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
Nonacademic Supports:
Jennifer Dodson | Chief Financial Officer and Controller | Glen Oaks Community College | LinkedIn
Shannon Anderson | Financial Aid Counselor | Gogebic Community College
Jen Scott | Director of Student Financial Services | Grand Rapids Community College | LinkedIn
Erwin Selimos | Professor of Sociology | West Shore Community College
High School to College Transition:
Jon Foco | Interim Vice President of Business and Finance | Delta College | LinkedIn
Kari Klemme | Marketing Strategist | Gogebic Community College | LinkedIn
John Thiel | Dean of Liberal Arts | Kirtland Community College | LinkedIn
LaToya Mason | Dean of Health Sciences | Lake Michigan College | LinkedIn
Bentrelle Carroll | Director of Compliance | Lansing Community College
College to Career:
Sara Herrmann | Controller | Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Taylor Male | Director of Operations | Montcalm Community College| LinkedIn
Ken James | Chief Diversity Officer | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
Carly McCall | Director of Alumni Engagement | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
Andrew McQueen | Campus Provost | Wayne County Community College
Credit for Prior Learning:
Dawn Stone | Dean of Workforce Development | Alpena Community College | LinkedIn
Lynn Martinson | Director of Business Office | Bay College | LinkedIn
Barb Walden | Dean of Occupational Programs | Kirtland Community College
Renee David | Director Corporate Services and Lifelong Learning | Mott Community College | LinkedIn
Jodie Beckley | Director of Personal and Professional Learning | Schoolcraft College | LinkedIn
Employer Engagement:
Scott Cubberly | Director Eastern Academic Center and Liaison for Business and Industry Partnerships | Kellogg Community College | LinkedIn
Mari Croze | Associate Dean | Lansing Community College | LinkedIn
Nicole Hutchings | Director Talent Management and Learning | Macomb Community College | LinkedIn
Kristin Tank | Chief Marketing and Communications Officer | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
Guided Pathways:
Clevester Moten | Department Chair, Director of Business Administration and Public Administration and Management | Jackson College | LinkedIn
Anna Fontaine | Education and Student Development Faculty | Kalamazoo Valley Community College | LinkedIn
Erin Sonneveldt | Associate Dean of Institutional Research and Assessment | North Central Michigan College | LinkedIn
Sarah Rowley | Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services | Oakland Community College
Ashley Storai | District Dean, Educational Affairs/Design Center | Wayne County Community College | LinkedIn
Technology in Student Success:
Kristin McDermott | Director, Student Life | Kellogg Community College | LinkedIn
Michael Williams | Director of Financial Aid | Macomb Community College | LinkedIn
Anna Hansard | Director, Web Services | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Lisa Brooker | Director of Financial Aid | Schoolcraft College
Chris Barry | Dean of Student Services | West Shore Community College
During this panel discussion, advocacy leaders from the Michigan Community College Association and Michgan Legislative Consultants will share how the association develops and executes its advocacy strategy with input from all member colleges and in alignment with the strategic plan.
Brandy Johnson, President | Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
Katie Witkowski, Director of Government and External Affairs| Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
Monica Martinez, Lobbyist | Michigan Legislative Consultants | LinkedIn
Kathleen Bruinsma, Trustee | Grand Rapids Community College | LinkedIn
Dr. Beverly Walker-Griffea | Director | Michigan Department of Lifelong Learning, Advancement, and Potential | More Info
The Office of Higher Education within MiLEAP works to ensure that every Michigander has the skill certificate or degree they need to prosper, and help employers hire the talent they need to succeed. Join the MiLEAP Office of Higher Education to learn more about updates to the Michigan Achievement Scholarship Community College Guarantee, Reconnect/Reconnect Expansion Initiatives, Student Success Grants, and more!
Presenters:Alisha Cederberg | Program Administrator | MiLEAP, Office of Higher Education – Sixty by 30 | LinkedIn
Caroline Nurenberg | College Services Analyst | MiLEAP, Office of Higher Education – MI Student Aid | LinkedIn
In 2023, Dr. Vivek Murthy released a Surgeon General Advisory calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection in our country. This session is designed to empower faculty and staff with the crucial knowledge and tools to champion student mental health, particularly in combating loneliness. Attendees will learn to spot the signs of loneliness and distress early and master the best practices for guiding students to the support they need, fostering a connected and supportive learning environment for all.
Karry Kiste-Toner | Associate Dean of Retention | Delta College | LinkedIn
Melanie Dancer | Student Success Counselor | Delta College
Erica Robb | Student Success Counselor | Delta College
Over the last 2.5 years, Bay College faculty, staff, and administration have worked together to reform math courses and pathways to comply with the Michigan Reconnect Act. Through state level support, team building, change management, focused revision, and culture shifts, Bay has made progress in scaling their math reform to benefit all students. This session will include an overview of the legislation and state-wide support, and highlight the challenges and successes at Bay College.
Jessica VanSlooten | Dean of Arts and Sciences | Bay College | LinkedIn
Kathleen Almy | CEO and Founder | Almy Education | LinkedIn
Join a candid discussion with three colleges from across the State of Michigan and explore how they address barriers to student success within their campus communities. The session will move from insight to action and how to scale interventions. It will feature real stories, pictures, action plans, and lessons learned. Presenters will share key findings and discuss how data informs decision-making and shows intervention effectiveness. Attendees will walk away with a physical playbook.
Ariel Maturine | Accomodations and Student Resources Coordinator | Jackson College | LinkedIn
Sandy Gregory | Asst. to Dean of Student Success | Grand Rapids Community College | More Info
Amy Gibbs | Dean of Student Success | Bay College | More Info
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 9:45 am - 11:00 am | 103B
This panel discussion will provide an update on the implementation of a guided self-placement approach at West Shore Community College, Lake Michigan College, and Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Participants will learn about innovative practices that have assisted these colleges in advancing this approach within their specific contexts, as well as the challenges and lessons learned along the way. The panelists will also share resources that may be helpful for other colleges considering a guided self-placement approach at their institutions.
Laurie Fladd | Coach | Achieving the Dream | LinkedIn
Chris Barry | Dean of Student Services | West Shore Community College | LinkedIn
Sean Newmiller | English Department Chair and Faculty | Lake Michigan College | LinkedIn
Sarah Hubbell | Director of Registration and Records| Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 9:45 am - 11:00 am | 104A
Three Diversity Officers at three community colleges present a panel discussion (or mini-traditional breakout session) on how their first-of-a-kind collaborative approaches to addressing student equity leads to positive student outcomes. We discuss how we are using general and disaggregated data (specifically our lived-experiences) to provide our colleges with actionable insights leading to measurable results that contribute to our overall College strategic plans relating to student outcomes.
Tracye Y. Davis | Executive Director-Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging | Henry Ford College | More Info
Tiffany Goliday | Executive Director of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Title IX Coordinator | Macomb Community College | More Info
Kristina Marshall | Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 9:45 am - 11:00 am | 104B
Data is critical when it comes to assessing our colleges, yet real human stories are what move people. Students from all walks of life come to us to earn their degree or skills certificate. How can we learn their individual stories? What’s the best way to tell them? And who most needs to hear them?
We’ll explore how to tap the student population at your college to identify compelling stories that impact the right audience.
Anna Heaton | Vice President | Resch Strategies | LinkedIn
Bridget M. Kavanaugh, APR | Director of Communications | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Diana Fairbanks, Associate Vice President of Public Relations,Marketing and Communications | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
Robert Campbell, APR, Manager, Marketing and Communitications | Mott Community College | LinkedIn
Developed and maintained cross-divisionally, Areas of Study (metamajors) and Program/Pathway Maps are a centerpiece of curriculum, critical to Admissions, Advising, and Marketing. In this session, we will look at how KCC uses Areas of Study and Pathways to clearly communicate ways that students can complete at KCC and successfully transfer to finish baccalaureate studies.
Mike Goldin | Chair of Math and Science (Co-Chair, Guided Pathways) | Kellogg Community College | LinkedIn
Pernell Gibson | Student Retention Coordinator (Co-Chair, Guided Pathways) | Kellogg Community College | LinkedIn
Dawn Larsen | Dean of Arts and Sciences | Kellogg Community College
Bobbie Brawley | Associate Registrar | Kellogg Community College
Educators, emergency responders, and allied health professionals play a crucial role in every community in Michigan, yet critical worker shortages are well documented. Governor Whitmer recognized this need by authorizing a one-time $500,000 allocation (over three years) in the state budget for MCCA to build stronger career pathways for these local heroes. In this session, a panel of practitioners will describe how we can support and develop the educational pathways needed to fill these gaps.
Donna Petras | Consultant | Michigan Community College Association
David Cummins, Fire Chief-Retired | Royal Oak, MI
Sara Roland, Assistant Principal | Okemos Public Schools
Judy Schuetz, Director, Talent Acquisition and Workforce Solutions | Henry Ford Health
This session will provide an overview of Macomb Community College's policies and procedures to ensure equitable outcomes for students regarding use of AI and AI detectors. The panelist discussion will cover various levels of classroom implementation, managing equity issues, and educating students about AI expectations.
Louisa Krause | Director of Instructional Innovation and Distance Education | Macomb Community College | LinkedIn
Michael Balsamo | Dean of Business, IT, and Culinary | Macomb Community College | LinkedIn
Heidi Schick | Business Faculty | Macomb Community Collegee | LinkedIn
Participants will explore the current landscape of dual enrollment in Michigan and nationwide. They will learn about the impact that dual enrollment participation can have on college access and completion as well as barriers to participation. Policy recommendations to maximize dual enrollment will be presented. The recommendations were informed by a diverse workgroup in partnership with the Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative (D3C3) with funding from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation.
Katie Witkowski | Director of Government and External Affairs | Michigan Community College Association | LinkedIn
Kristin Carey Li | Director of College Strategy - Institutional Effectiveness | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Course based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) allow students to conduct original research within a course. This session provides an overview of a CURE project implemented in an organic chemistry course. Highlights of the student and faculty experience will be presented, as well as preliminary results of a science identity study implemented in tandem with the CURE. Finally, participants will work in small groups using a toolkit provided to identify potential CURE projects for their institution.
David Baker Ph.D. | Professor of Chemistry | Delta College | LinkedIn
Melissa Haswell, Ph.D. | Associate Dean of Science and Mathematics | Delta College | LinkedIn
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | 102
Delta College Mathematics Faculty partnered with Teaching and Learning Center staff to provide students enrolled in math classes a successful start to the fall semester. Together, they created 15 one-minute videos and handouts targeting topics such as the importance of attendance, a growth mindset, effective note taking, and math and test anxiety reduction strategies. In addition to the project management process, this session highlights relevant activities faculty can utilize in their classes.
Natascha Rivet | Delta College | More Info
Danielle Petersen | Delta College | More Info
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | 103A
Casual observers may conclude that the promise of a “Community College Guarantee” renders philanthropy obsolete. They could not be more wrong. Despite tuition-free programs, financial and equity gaps continue to present daunting barriers for students. Philanthropy’s role is more important now than ever before, but colleges must proactively contextualize for donors how charitable giving can buttress student success initiatives. This session will focus on how to create a symbiotic relationship between philanthropy and student success.
Joshua W. Myers | Ed.D., Executive Director of The Foundation at MCCC | Monroe County Community College | LinkedIn
Dr. Kimberly Hurns | Vice Chancellor for Student Services | Oakland Community College | LinkedIn
Dr. Laurie Kattuah-Snyder | Chief Student Services Officer | Schoolcraft College
Melissa Schultz | Chief Student Enrollment Officer | Schoolcraft College | LinkedIn
Amanda Althouse | Coordinator of Student Success | Monroe County Community College
To address learning loss due to the pandemic, 27 of MCCA’s colleges offered free summer programs focused on English, math, and college knowledge. Come learn about the breadth of programs offered and emerging best practices in how to provide an equitable and supportive introduction to college from the researcher who studied these Academic Catch-Up programs and a panel of representatives from Kalamazoo Valley and Muskegon Community Colleges who will share their stories and lessons learned.
Dawn Coleman | Coleman Evaluation | LinkedIn
Louis Thomas | Director, Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program | Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kelly Digby | Mathematics Instructor | Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Candice Kirkendoll | Kickoff Tutor | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
Hollie Benson | Reading Faculty and College Success Seminar Coordinator | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
What impact do generational differences have on how we work and learn together? By exploring the unique characteristics and perspectives of each generation, we can better understand those around us, specifically our diverse student population. We will not only look at the historical, social, and communicative context of each generation and how they prefer to learn, but also discuss how this can help educators and administrators work better together and better serve our students.
Katie Sommer-Ford | Academic and Career Advisor | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
Bridget Munroe | Academic and Career Advisor | Northwestern Michigan College | LinkedIn
In this session, participants will learn about the Michigan Center for Adult College Success, its role in supporting Reconnect institutions, and share insights on the $6 million in grants that have been awarded to colleges to improve equity and completion rates. Strategies for engaging faculty in curricular changes and innovation through the MI-LEARN Design Lab will also be explored. Participants will engage with MCACS staff, explore successful programs, and share insights through interactive discussions and Q&A.
Michelle Burke | Director of Postsecondary Programs and Partnerships | Michigan Center for Adult College Success | LinkedIn
Jeremy Hendges | Executive Director | Michigan Center for Adult College Success | LinkedIn
Matt DeMonbrun | Research Director | Michigan Center for Adult College Success | LinkedIn
Innovation Investment Award Panelists:
Adam Cloutier | Vice President of Academics | Glen Oaks Community College | LinkedIn
Patti D'Avignon | Dean of Student Services | Muskegon Community College | LinkedIn
Jamie Vandenburgh | Dean of Workforce, Technical and Professional Education | Jackson College | LinkedIn
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | 105A
MCCA and MiLEAP are partnering with community colleges in the Improving Economic Mobility for Adult Learners (IEMAL) initiative. Supported by Jobs for the Future and Achieving the Dream, this two-tiered initiative is focused on transforming state policy and college systems to improve the experience of adult learners and propel them through programs of study into the workforce. Michigan is focusing on Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Hear how these partners are working to ensure that adults learn about opportunities to earn CPL and how colleges are getting support from the state to award and improve transferability of CPL.
Alisha Cederburg | Administrative Manager, Office of 60x30 | Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement and Potential | LinkedIn
Valantina (Tina) Kattoula | Credit for Prior Learning Manager | Macomb Community College | LinkedIn
Jennifer Carroll | Director, Workforce Strategies | Delta College | LinkedIn
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | 105B
Community colleges are the beacon of higher education for millions of Americans. And while we’ve always been open access, some people still think attending college is inaccessible to them. Join this session to learn how St. Clair County Community College is confronting the issues that keep individuals from attending and the efforts being made to make access truly open.
Carrie Bearss | St. Clair County Community College | LinkedIn
Friday, September 27, 2024 | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm | 106
This is a presentation of the student-led Green Ribbon Initiative being implemented at Delta College. The goal of this initiative is to generate discussion of mental health among students, staff, and faculty, and bring awareness to mental health resources on campus and in the community. The presenter will share the inspiration behind the initiative, along with an overview of what has been done so far and what is being planned for future semesters.
Brandon Hillaker | Delta College Student | Delta College | More Info
Shelly Raube | Vice President of Delta College | Delta College | More Info
Alison Ginter | Coordinator of BEDI | Delta College | More Info