Right Math at Right Time

The Right Math at the Right Time

The Right Math at the Right Time is Michigan's umbrella for improving math outcomes across the state by strengthening math pathways implementation and transferability of mathematics courses, improving student outcomes in gateway matthematics courses, and ensuring smooth transition from secondary to post-secondary mathematics.


MiMath Reform


Launch Years Resources


Charles A. Dana Center Logo


MTA Math Transferability MTA Transferability Project

Charles A. Dana Center Logo


RM@RT Timeline



In 2023, MCCA partnered with Almy Education to develop MiMath Reform, providing support for colleges transitioning from prerequisite to corequisite delivery or developmental support for gateway mathematics courses.



In 2022, MCCA, along with the Michigan College Access Network and the Michigan Department of Education, joined the Dana Center's Launch Years initiative to extend the math pathways work into the K-12 space. During the remainder of 2023, the RM@RT 2.0 task force will:



In 2020, the RM@RT task force developed a guide to leverage tools within MiTransfer.org to improve the transfer of gateway math pathways courses.



In 2016, Michigan joined the Charles A. Dana Center's Math Pathways to Completion project and established The Right Math at the Right Time (RM@RT) Task Force to strengthen the implementation of math pathways across Michigan's two- and four-year post-secondary institutions. The RM@RI task force released a set of recommendations, established learning outcomes for courses in Michigan's MTA math pathways and a set of Mathematics Pathway Briefs describing equity gaps in student outcomes and transfer alignment for quantitative reasoning, introductory statistics and preparation for calculus (college algebra)