Industry Credentials-Aligning Credentials Workshops

Michigan Center for Student Success
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

A series of four workshops will be conducted to support community colleges' development and expansion of awarding academic credit for industry credentials. This second session will focus on establishing equitable equivalences for credentials and determine a process for granting credit for those courses.

Register for all of the events in the series at MCCA Events:  

#1  Institutional Policy Workshop– March 10, 2022 The first session will focus on the features of effective policies and provide resources of how to develop/adapt your own institutional policies.

#2 Aligning Credentials Workshop 1– June 2, 2022 The second session will focus on establishing equitable equivalences for credentials and determine a process for granting credit for those courses.

Please review the attached homework sheet .pdf instructions and link to a Google form for you to complete. We greatly appreciate your contributions and continued support for this project!


#3 Student Experience Workshop – August 4, 2022 This third session focuses on designing effective internal processes to ensure that students are aware that they can earn credit and the process for doing so. This will also include examples for how to communicate this externally to prospective students and employer partners.

#4 Aligning Credentials Workshop 2 – October 6, 2022 This fourth session will expand on the Aligning Credentials Workshop 1 (held on June 2, 2022). Participants will leave the workshop with an initial list of courses that are aligned to an industry credential, and a process to continue to identify such courses.